
Showing posts from April, 2021

What Are the Treatment Options for Dry Eyes?

Optometrist in Monterey, CA Our tears play a vital role in maintaining our eye health. A tear contains water that provides moisture, oil for lubrication, antibodies that prevent infections, and mucus that evens the spread of everything. The tears are produced by special glands found around the eyes. However, because of certain factors, these glands may get affected and impair the production of tears. This will cause dry eye syndrome.    Dry eyes occur when you don’t produce enough tears, or they evaporate quickly, and it can be acute or chronic. Several factors can cause dry eyes like age. As we age, the tear production may decrease and cause the eyes to become dry. Other causes include medication, computer use, laser surgery, menopause, wind exposure, and vitamin A deficiency.    Dry eyes can cause pain, redness, and a burning sensation. You may at times experience watery tearing. This occurs when a lack of tears irritates the eyes and sends a distress signal to the nervous system to